Merger Exploration Team and Prayers of Openness
Kindred in Christ,
We are excited to share with you the Merger Exploration Team’s findings and report (download PowerPoint HERE and detailed report HERE). These items are in preparation for our upcoming presentation and discussion this Sunday, at 9:30 AM at Green Lake UMC in-person or online (please note that we will not host a service at our regular time this Sunday). You are invited to remain after the meeting to participate in Sandwich Makers, as we prepare food for those experiencing hunger in our area. We hope you will join us this Sunday, and come ready to listen, speak, and discern together where the Spirit may be leading our communities in this time and place for the sake of the U District, the Green Lake neighborhood, and beyond.
Along with discernment and discussion, you are invited into a season of deep prayer. Prayer is an act of openness to God. There are three modes of prayer that I want to offer you during this season: the Ignatian prayer of holy indifference, listening prayer, and silence.
Holy indifference invites us into a special, positive form of indifference, where we begin to let go of attachments that keep us from love and justice, trusting in God’s presence. Listening prayer helps us attune to God’s voice—through scripture, emotions, community, or silence. Silence allows us to sit with God, discerning what is truly of the Spirit. In releasing, listening, and resting, we make space for transformation.
Here is an example that you are welcome to use or adapt as you pray:
A Prayer of Openness
Holy Indifference
Loving God, I release my need for control, my attachments to certainty, and my fears of the unknown. Free me from anything that keeps me from fully embracing your love and truth. May I desire only what brings life, justice, and wholeness to others. Let your will, not mine, guide my heart.
Speak to me, O Spirit, in whatever way I am ready to hear. In words or in stillness, in clarity or in mystery—help me to be present to your voice. Open my heart to your wisdom, whether it comes through scripture, community, creation, or the quiet stirrings of my soul.
Now, I rest in your presence. I set aside my need for quick answers and simply rest in you. In this sacred silence, reveal what is true. Shape me, renew me, and draw me deeper into love… [*remain in silence for a moment].
Alongside you,
Rev. Paul Ortiz