Enneagram Intelligence Centers
Last week began our new Lenten series The Inward Journey. We considered how we tend to create distorted identities based on what we do, what we have, and what others think of us. We also talked about the Enneagram and hopefully most of you have taken time to take the free test and have an idea of which personality type you are. If you have not yet done so, I encourage you to set aside a few moments and take the test, as knowing your Enneagram personality number will help you get more out of our Lenten series.
This week, we are going to consider how our Intelligence Centers speak into how we perceive the world. As seen in the above chart, the nine Enneagram personality types are divided into three Intelligence Centers: Gut, Heart, Head.
Depending on which Enneagram type you are, you might experience the world and your relationships primarily through your thoughts, your emotions, or through instinctive reactions. It’s how you live in the world.
And the reason we are talking about this is because we can also engage with and relate to God through our Intelligence Centers; through our heart, mind, or gut and we are called to do so.
According to Jesus, the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind (Matthew 22:34-40). But what does that really mean? Why is THIS the greatest commandment? How can this help us become more connected to our true selves and a more just and generous expression of Christ? And how can the Enneagram Intelligence Centers help us live out the greatest commandment?
Join us this Sunday, in-person or online as we explore these questions and more.
Alongside you,
Rev. Paul Ortiz