Good Tension

Kindred in Christ,

This past week was a bittersweet Sunday, as we celebrated Joey Chin’s time with us and sent him forth to Wesley Seminary in Washington D.C.! Thanks to all those that contributed to the celebration with their time, talent, and cooking skills! It was a meaningful time of worship and fellowship. I personally felt proud of Joey as he preached his first sermon, and I also felt proud of all of us for being a community that brings new people in, nurtures them, and then sends them out into the world to make a difference!

We are currently in a series titled, Thresholds: Moving Through Life’s Transitions. Together we have reflected on the many thresholds in our lives as individuals and in our congregational life as a collective, and the unique ways God shows up on those liminal spaces. Joey continued this theme by reflecting on the threshold he now finds himself in, leaving Seattle and starting at Wesley Seminary. He helped us further reflect on our own journey as a community. And I really appreciated the following quote he mentioned during his sermon:

“What if the promised land isn’t actually the destination? What if it’s not pearly gates or permanent occupation or safety or a place where everyone knows your name? What if home was always going to be the walking and who you were walking with. …This is what Jesus invites us into, this is the peace that God offers, not the lack of tension but a recognition of the tension. There is no sound that comes from the guitar unless there is tension on the strings.” – Dr. Brian Bantum

May we continue to journey forward with one another, embracing the tension and changes along the way. And may we recognize that we are already home whenever we are on the move together in God.

Alongside you,

Rev. Paul Ortiz