Kin-dom Vision (New Sermon Series)
Kindred in Christ,
I hope you will join us for the next three Sundays, February 13-27, for our new sermon series, Kin-dom Vision. Jesus often told provocative short stories to help his listeners and followers imagine a new kind of social reality centered on God’s love, justice, and mercy, which he referred to as the Basileia tou Theou. This phrase has been translated into the “kingdom of God,” “economy of God,” “beloved community,” and, according to mujerista and womanist theologians, the “kin-dom of God,” emphasizing Jesus’ vision of kinship. We will reflect on what this kin-dom vision means for our personal lives and for our church. And to help us do that, we have a special video that will be premiered during this Sunday’s worship about the work we do and how you can join in.
Alongside you,
Rev. Paul Ortiz