Pride Sunday 2024!

Kindred in Christ,

Happy and blessed Pride! I am excited to celebrate God’s inclusive love and the LGBTQIA+ community at our annual joint service this Sunday, 6/30, at First Church UMC of Seattle. As a reminder, we will not host our own individual service this Sunday, but rather will join with other Methodist congregations for this special and joyful occasion. And we will have the opportunity to watch the parade and join the festivities directly after the service. Please see below for more information regarding parking, and how to join in-person or online.

Last Sunday, we celebrated the Pride season with some fabulous rainbow bread for Communion! This was a beautiful and tasty reminder that we are all part of the queer Body of Christ—and it left our tongues colorful (see picture above). In our American society that centers individualism and independence, the idea that we are all one body, interdependent upon each other is truly countercultural and queer.

Each time we break and bless the elements we pray, “Because there is one loaf of bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.” (1 Corinthians 10:17). Wherever and however you find yourself this Pride season, may you trust that you are held within the diverse colors of the loving and living Body of Christ. And together, may we live out this relational vision with our neighbors as a church and as individuals.

Alongside you,

Rev. Paul Ortiz